The Openteacher 2 file format

The Openteacher 2 file format is an XML 1.0 file with UTF-8 encoding.

An XML-scheme of the file format can be downloaded here.

NOTE: For the OpenTeacher 3 file format, please refer to the developer documentation.

Node structure

- <root>
-- <title>
-- <question_language>
-- <answer_language>
-- <word>
--- <known>
--- <foreign>
--- <results>

(The title of the word list)
(The name of the question language)
(The name of the answer language)

(This word in the question language)
(This word in the answer language)
(The results of this word in the format of 0/0)

Example a word list saved in the OpenTeacher 2 format

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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